If you only need us to webcast your event it’s not a problem. We regularly work with production companies, event organizers and venues to offer their clients a webcasting service. We are completely white label and happy to wear any company T-shirt. We offer an affordable solution for events to expand the viewing audience to anyone that has an internet connection.
Filming and event webcasting is what we do every day and we feel confident we can help you connect with your audience. We understand how important your conference is so we only send highly experienced friendly crew trained with the very latest equipment. Trust us: we’ve streamed some of the biggest events including Bangladesh honorable prime minister live From (NY, USA & CA), digital expo 2016, basis soft expo 2017, Fiber@Home presents corporate cricket league 2017, Bangladesh development conference at Harvard University, grand launching ceremony of DBL ceramics Live.
Our streaming website has been 100% designed and created in house and we’re very proud of its success, taking nearly a year to complete it has been built purely on our clients’ needs and feedback. us. Whether you require single camera coverage of your event, or a multi-camera set-up with vision mixing, we can supply the right equipment with highly experienced, flexible pro-active crew. We regularly work with production companies, event organizers and venues to offer their clients a webcasting service. We are a completely white label streaming company and happy to wear any company T-shirt.
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